Law of Attraction

That which is likened to itself is drawn.
That which is likened to itself is drawn.

That is the definition of Law of Attraction.

  • Here's what's funny: I did not always subject myself to the teachings of the Law of Attraction. I’d heard some negative things about it and I didn't really allow myself to learn for “myself” to see what it is, what it was and how it can help me.

    Once I opened my brain to it, it gave me better knowledge of what it all meant. Then, it became my philosophy of life. That which is likened to itself is drawn. Now when I say that phrase, it stops me from speaking negatively, it stops me from venting, it stops me from doing things that I know I don't want more of.

    Because that which is likened to itself is drawn. So if I keep saying things that I don’t want, and doing things that I don’t care for, calling my friends and venting about all the bad things that keep happening to me,, I'm going to just get more of that. Because it's the law, and if the law says, “HEY! that which is likened to itself is drawn”. I'm going to get more of it. So then I made better decisions. I became cognizant of my speech, cognizant of my thoughts, aware of everything, and super intentional, and then consistent. Don't get me wrong, I've definitely fallen off the wagon here and there and wasn't intentional with my words, didn’t always meditate or say my affirmations on a consistent basis. Trust me, I certainly felt the difference in me and my life when I wasn’t on top of it.

    I just want to leave you guys with the thing I keep saying over and over again. That which is likened to itself is drawn. Remember that when you are thinking about things, when you're getting ready to say things. Because whatever you put out, comes back it's a boomerang, period. It’s the vibration you put out. If you want to attract more of what you desire in your life, SPEAK on it, THINK about it, VISUALIZE it. It'll come to you, but that works both ways. Good and Bad.

    Just some food for thought. Hope it helps.


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